Sitemap - 2022 - The Racket (No longer on Substack)

If I ruled the world

Beating on, ceaselessly into the past

Once more unto the breach with George Packer

Deflection by projection

The right's definition of fascism is wrong

Ye olde misogyny-to-fascism pipeline

The rainbow putsch coalition

A mixed bag

Feeding frenzy

The states may have saved democracy

What I'm looking for tonight

The 'fascism debate' is over. Fascism is winning.

Send in the Clowns

Introducing Racket Chat

James Bennet and the rewriting of 2020

And there's so many Kanyes

How to get to 'somehow'

Stroking controversy + a call for letters

Back to the future in Haiti

Not the Business Plot

Don't drop that bomb on me

Focus on the famiglia

A war for meaning

What we talk about when we talk about WWII

The U.S.-backed democratic vacuum in Haiti is collapsing

The gift shops at Guantánamo

The sun never sets

You can't fight fascism without a little partisanship

Why the right hates history right now

What semi-fascism is, exactly

Minority rule of the mind

From Charlottesville to Mar-a-Lago

The storming of Trump's castle

The books behind the book, Vol. 4

Putting her chips on Taiwan

Dare we hope, President Manchin?

Highway robbers of the knowledge economy

Cheney's gambit

The Terminators

An FDR-size hole

'As somebody who has helped plan coups ...'

Part of How They Took Away Your Bodily Autonomy Was Through Terrorism

Power is how you use it

Sick week

Fetterman and the Brain

How to make a coup disappear

Proud of your boys

Just take the W, grifters

Lost in space

Could photos of gun violence save lives?

'They could have been shot. They could have been killed.'

What's new (and what isn't) in the NYT's big Haiti story

Toward a theory of Tucker Carlson

Inside the chapter: Shanghai

The bipartisan death caucus

The illegitimacy of the Dobbs Court

The latest forecast for the war: profits

The books behind the book, Vol. 3

Gangsters Movie Night 5: White Zombie

Getting off the fence

Money for nuking

Inside the chapter: Nicaragua

Naïve Militarism and the "Lessons" of Neville Chamberlain

The past is no country at all

Imperial hangovers and No Fly Zones

Subscriber thread: Russia, Ukraine ... and a world war?

Talè, Doktè: A tribute to Paul Farmer

No one knows what Putin is doing in Ukraine

Gangsters Movie Night 4: Hands of Stone

Gangsters Movie Night 3: Goyo The Boy General

Keeping an eye on the war racket

Gangsters Movie Night 2: 55 Days at Peking

The books behind the book, Vol. 2

Gangsters Movie Night: Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (feat. Spencer Ackerman)

Off to a great start